Aubergine frite bulgur, lentilles et amandes serve avec salade de tomates
Eggplant fried, bulgur, lentils and almonds served with tomato salad
Hummus, viande hachée, servis avec pain.
Hummus, chopped meat, served with bread
Pate art oriental, lentile, coriandre, ail et onions frit
Oriental pasta , lentils,coriander,garlic and fried onions
Aubergine, viande hachée, tomate, sauce yaourt et pita frit.
Eggplant, chopped meat, tomatoes, yoghurt sauce and fried pita
Filet émincé sur bulgur, oignions et sauce tahine
Tenderloin strips on bulgur, onions and tahine sauce
Agneau, serve avec Fricke et pois chiche
Lamb home style, served with Fricke and chickpeas